Numeric Variables (Time-Varying)

Raw Data


This table includes numeric results for laboratory measurements and vitals and the time the measurement was taken. Each row represents a distinct encounter in the GIM ward and a distinct test at a distinct time. The tests listed in this table are equivalent to the columns in the pre-processed data tables. Result times less than 0 are measurements that would have taken place before the patient was in the GIM ward (e.g. while in the emergency department).

Pre-Processed Data


This table contains average values of numeric variables measured over 8 hour windows. Each row represents a distinct encounter in the GIM ward and an 8-hour time window from admission. The table also includes an indicator valuable indicdating whether the measurement was taken and a counter describing the number of windows since the last measurement.


Figure 1: Numeric Values

Figure 2: Number of Tested Encounters for Top Eight Tests (as a proportion of total encounters in the data table)

Figure 3: Average Number of Tests (on encounters including the tested variable)

Last modified April 19, 2023: Changes to structure of dashboard (0b8db42)