Encounters (Static)


  • Training set: train_encounters.csv
    • 16 976 rows
  • Validation set: valid_encounters.csv
    • 2 405 rows
  • Testing set: test_encounters.csv
    • 985 rows



Column Name Description
ENCOUNTER_NUM Identifier used for each encounter
SERVICE_FROM_DK Indentifier used for the service before transfer to GIM
FROM_SERVICE The service before transfer to GIM
FROM_UNIT The unit where the patient was transferred from
FROM_LOCATION_SERVICE The service associated with FROM_UNIT
PATIENT_DK Unique patient identifier
ADT_DISCHARGE The discharge disposition in the EHR
ICD_10 ICD code of the Most Responsible Diagnosis
MRP_DIAGNOSIS Most responsible diagnosis
age Patient age at time of admission
gender Gender of patient. 1 for Female, 0 for Male. (Note: Data may instead refer to sex, and does not contain any additional categories.)
pre_gim_icu Flag for patient having been in the ICU prior to GIM entry
post_gim_icu Flag for patient entering ICU after GIM
death Flag for mortality
palliative_transfer Flag for palliative transfer
OUTCOME_TYPE 1 if ICU Transfer, 2 if Death, 3 if Palliative entry, 4 if Palliative discharge, 5 if Discharged
OUTCOME_ALL 1 if OUTCOME_TYPE is 1, 2, 3, or 4; 0 if OUTCOME_TYPE is 5
gim_to_outcome Time from GIM entry to outcome in days.
ccc Flag indicating if comfort care order was placed
outcome_no_ccc OUTCOME_TYPE except where (death == 1 and ccc == 1 and OUTCOME_TYPE == 2), then outcome_no_ccc = 3. Deaths that are “expected” (based on comfort care order) are grouped with palliative entry.
time_to_event Time from GIM entry to outcome in hours.

Last modified April 19, 2023: Changes to structure of dashboard (0b8db42)